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Size: 1,905 Acres

1,905 Acres in Croydon, NH - $2,300,000

Brighton Forest

Including hundreds of acres of hardwood and mixedwood forestland, reclaimed fields, and open wetlands, this 1,905-acre contiguous block of timberland located in Croydon and Newport, New Hampshire is an exceptional and diverse investment opportunity. The property has frontage along both paved and gravel public roads as well as several miles of well-maintained interior gravel roads. The timber resource includes a favorable mix of species and age classes which affords ample near- and long-term forest management opportunities. To that end, periodic timber harvesting has been conducted over the past several years, removing lower grade and mature timber in favor of higher quality mid-rotational trees. These harvests have been supplemented by several small wildlife clearings to enhance and broaden habitat diversity. A timber inventory was conducted in the late summer of 2017 with estimated tot...

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Portland, ME

(207) 544-4129

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LandVest, (207) 544-4129
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