Legal Description: Part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 22, Township 7 North, Range 11 East of the 6th P.M., Otoe County, Nebraska, containing 132.42. Two acreages are not part of the farm. There are 1.81 acres on the east side of the creek in the Northwest Quarter for a total of 134.23 acres.
Soils: Mostly Nodaway, Morrill-Malmo, Judson and Wymore with slopes on the tillable acres up to 11%.
Possession: Immediate possession.
Description: This is a well-cared for farm with good terraces and waterways. There are 113 tillable acres and another 9 acres that are eligible for a wetland restoration project or CP2. The farm is in corn this year. There are also outstanding hunting areas with habitat for deer, turkey, pheasants and quail.
Rainfall: Average annual precipitation is over 30.
2018 Real Estate Taxes: $6,071.60.
Price: $603,361.00 or $4,495.00/ac.