High Quality Boone County Cropland with Good Tile!
157.47 acres, m/l, with 84.58 crop acres and CSR2 of 78.4 (CSR 78.2). 58.1 acres in CRP.
Building site was torn down in 2014, so additional crop acres will be available.
CRP Contracts:
Contract #10105 (Filter Strips) - 22.0 acres pays $2,524 annually and expires 9/30/28.
Contract #922 - 36.1 acres pays $8,304 annually through 9/30/19. However contract for this 30-year easement runs through 11/1/2034.
If you would like additional information on this property, please contact either Tim Fevold (TimF at Hertz.ag) or Chris Smith (ChrisS at Hertz.ag).