THIS BEAUTIFUL 213 ACRE TRACT OF UNRESTRICTED WNC MOUNTAIN LAND IS GOD'S COUNTRY AT ITS FINEST!! Let your imagination run wild!! A Hunter's Playground, Sportsman's Paradise, Equestrian Lover's Sanctuary, Wedding Venue, Subdivision, Campground, or even a Private Estate to call your own! Located in LAKE LURE, just a short drive to Rumbling Bald restaurants & amenities, Chimney Rock State Park, Blue Ridge Parkway, Tryon International Equestrian Center, Asheville, Hendersonville, and all the best recreation Western North Carolina has to offer!
From 64/74 take Bills Creek Rd follow for roughly 4 miles, property is on LEFT. There is a pull in by Tanglewood Dr. and another just down on the LEFT. See Sign. Property is adjacent to the Bills Creek Convenience Center.