This unrestricted raw land 18 acres has been selectively hand cleared raising tree canopy while protecting new growth madrone trees and Spanish oaks. There is a private building site for a cabin or to just pull in your 5th wheel for an easy weekend spot. The views are amazing and private with a cove feeling with two flanking ridges with topographic relief ranging from 1,596' at the highest point to 1,407 where a drainage leaves the property. A rock overhang will trickle water over a 40+ feet drop to the bottom during wet seasons. 4+/- acres are high fenced which could be a site to grow grapes, peaches, olives or to keep your horse. Current Ag exemption in place with Blanco County for low taxes. If you desire dark skies at night, peace and quiet then come take a look.
Additional adjoining property for sale:
38 acres with cabin, 2 barns, creek & grottos
15 acres raw land with water well ...
15 acres raw land with water well & power
From Austin, US 290 West through Dripping Springs, left on 165 towards Blanco, Right on Divide Pass to subject on left.