Beken/Kelly Ranch
THE PROPERTY: The Beken/Kelly Ranch is located 6 miles east of Magdalena, NM. The ranch is made up the following lands:
8,722 Deeded Acres, more or less
9,680 State Lease Acres
440 BLM Lease Acres
800 NM Tech Lease Acres
19,642 Total Acres, more or less
TERRAIN AND VEGATATION: The west side of the Beken/Kelly Ranch is mostly flat rolling country comprised of native grass species of blue and black grama and a small amount of early season grass. The east side runs into the breaks of the Socorro Mountain Range with the San Lorenzo Canyon running through this side of the ranch. This part of the ranch is mainly blue and black grama along with some sacaton and other varieties of grasses. There are cedar trees and browse pr...
TERRAIN AND VEGATATION: The west side of the Beken/Kelly Ranch is mostly flat rolling country comprised of native grass species of blue and black grama and a small amount of early season grass. The east side runs into the breaks of the Socorro Mountain Range with the San Lorenzo Canyon running through this side of the ranch. This part of the ranch is mainly blue and black grama along with some sacaton and other varieties of grasses. There are cedar trees and browse providing a lot of cover on this side of the ranch making for excellent winter pasture.
WATER: The ranch has an excellent water system that is completely tied together. It consists of 4 livestock wells and 23 miles of pipeline. Along the pipeline you can find 6 large storage tanks and 22 drinkers for an abundance of water. This ranch boasts 173,750 gallons of water storage. The livestock wells range in depth from 250 ft. to 750 ft. and produce 5 gpm to 60 gpm. If this is not enough water security for your cattle there is an irrigation well on the ranch that can be pumped into the storage and move water from that storage all over the ranch.
IRRIGATION: The ranch has an irrigation well recently adjudicated by the state engineer into file RG-90678. This adjudicated well allows for the pumping of 220 acre feet per year to be put on a 120 acre circle pivot that was put up new in 2014. This would be an excellent operation for a winter wheat grazing to wean your calves and to farm some forage for the ranch. The well has a submersible pump that will pump 400 gpm to the center pivot.
LIVESTOCK OPERATION: The past several years, yearlings have been ran throughout the winter months. Although the ranch has been used for yearlings it is just the owners preference. This would be a great cow calf ranch mainly because of the breaks and winter cover on the east side.
IMPROVEMENTS: The improvements consists of a good two bedroom two bath home. There are some barns and out buildings at the headquarters and a very good set of pipe corrals with a set of scales. There is a north south runway at the headquarters for your private plane to land. The most important part of the improvements is the extensive water system, storage tanks and irrigation system that adds up to a high amount of depreciable assets in relation to the purchase price.
LEASE LAND: The lease land is mostly New Mexico State Lease with a small amount of BLM land. This ranch is a very private ranch and you can keep it that way.
WILDLIFE: The Beken/Kelly Ranch has Elk, Deer, Pronghorn Antelope, and Quail are also found on this property. The ranch is located in Unit 13 for elk which is a primitive weapon area meaning Archery, Crossbow or Muzzleloader.
BROKER NOTES: This ranch in our opinion is one that you need to take a serious look at. It has it all, water, grass, cover and irrigation. We dont think you can find a 400 cow ranch with an irrigated circle for this price. The ranch has Highway 60 on the south side for a couple of miles so there is excellent access. It is within an hour and a half of Albuquerque and 12 miles to Interstate 25 at Socorro, NM. We do think this ranch has it all.
PRICE: $5,700,000