Land Specialist: Don Thorpe
How to Visit the Property:
Please free to drive by the lot at your earliest convenience. We recommend that you check out the video below for some more specifics about the area and the parcel boundaries! This will help you get your bearings when you go to look at the property.
The property referenced in that video is:
13141 Begonia Rd, Victorville, CA 92392
Size (Acres): 1.05
APN or Other ID: 3105-071-05-0000
County: San Bernardino
State: California
Zoning: Residential
Can I Build a House: Yes
Mobile Home Permitted: Yes
RV and Camping: Allowed with limitations
Power: Overhead utilities , at lot line
Water: City Water - At the lot line
Sewer: Septic System Required
Terrain: Level
Road Condition: Dirt
Elevation: 3080 feet
Title Info: Purchased with title insurance
Annual Property Taxes (Approx): $505.25
Flood Zone/Wetlands: Not in a floodplain or wetlands
HOA: This is not in an HOA, but has CCRs
Lot Dimensions:
305.84 feets East Side of the property
156.42 Feets South Side of the Property
300.75 Feets West of the property
166.46 Feet North of the property
34.5095290915497, -117.375774785841
34.5103534427673, -117.375774514061
34.5103524472838, -117.3762825518
34.5095281229926, -117.376282795475
SKU: #DVL-610165