Shape/Size: BCD Farms consist of four contiguous quarter-sections of land. According to the Bailey County Appraisal District, this property contains 634.7 acres, more or less.
Location/Access: This property is located approximately 6 miles north of Muleshoe, Texas. Access is excellent, being by paved State Hwy 214, graded CR 1008, graded CR 1018 and graded CR 173.
Legal Description: The Southeast-quarter (SE/4) Section 28 and the North-half (N/2) and the Southwest-quarter (SW/4) of Section 44, Block Y, Save and Except approximately 1.6 acres and all structural improvements out of the Southeast-corner of the Northeast-quarter (NE/4) of Section 44. This acreage amount could change slightly according to a survey that will need to be completed on the 1.6 acres for an accurate metes and bounds description of this tract.
Method of Operation: BCD Farms is a partially irrigated proper...
Method of Operation: BCD Farms is a partially irrigated property, with approximately 480 acres being in cultivation and the corners being in a good stand of improved grasses.
2014 Property Taxes: Approximately $4,855.
Improvements: Improvements include three (3) center pivot irrigation systems and eight (8) irrigation wells, all of which are tied together by a network of underground line. The center pivots consist of one 1997 model and two older model Valley brand systems. All three pivots are nozzled at 400 g.p.m. The irrigation wells are equipped with electric submersible pumps. These wells have not been recently metered; however, they were reported to pump a combined estimated total of approximately 400 g.p.m.
Price: $1,150 per acre, with all of the minerals owned being conveyed.
Remarks: This is a productive partially irrigated farm in a good state of cultivation. The terrain varies from nearly level to very gently sloping, with slopes ranging from 0-3%. The primary soils are Amarillo fine sandy loam and Midessa fine sandy loam, which are both productive soils. For additional information, please contact Rusty Lawson.