Hunting Land for sale in Michigan, Land for sale in Michigan, Farm for sale in Van Buren County Michigan 80 acres
SW Michigan Van Buren County Bangor, Michigan area. 80 acre of rolling hills with approx. 50 ac +/- being farmed and planted to soybeans. The balance is wooded, cover, bedding areas and looks to be full of whitetail sign. This property has NOT been hunted in many years and also the property across the road is not hunted and acts as a Sanctuary. There is an old farm house and barn that sit right by the road and are not habitable but could be refurbished into a hunting cabin for sure. Significant Farm Lease income as well as having AG based taxes. This is Private Property so please respect that fact and dont trespass. Give us a call and we will be happy to take you on a tour of the land.
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