The Agave Ranch is located 5 +/- miles Northwest of Moore TX on FM 462, approximately one hour from San Antonio and lies in both Frio and Medina Counties. This beautiful 920 acre ranch features a varied terrain that includes gravelly hills along with great bottom country filled with dense native brush, large Bull Mesquites and Live Oak trees intermixed with a few grassy meadows. Due to the excellent quality of the native habitat and outstanding brush diversity, the wildlife populations are healthy. There has been a very limited amount of hunting pressure over the past few years and there is an abundance of whitetail deer, feral hogs, javalina, and some turkey. This gorgeous ranch also has a strong population of Bobwhite Quail, which is a rarity in these dry times. Wing shooting for Mourning and White Wing Dove can also be enjoyed.
There is one 5" Carrizo water well located on th...
There is one 5" Carrizo water well located on the ranch which supplies water to the camp house and provides year round water for wildlife and livestock in the pasture. The well is believed to be 400 +/- feet in depth and is outfitted with a 3 hp electric pump and large pressure tank. There is approximately 2 miles of 1" PVC water line throughout the pasture which supplies water to 5 water troughs, one large concrete storage tank and 3 wildlife ponds. There are also several drainages that traverse through the property and hold small pockets of water during wet times. Some of these drainage areas may be suitable for further stock pond development.
Improvements consist of a nice 3 bdrm, 2 bath modular camp house overlooking the property. There is one large pole barn for equipment storage and also a small portable feed room. The property is high fenced and there are several good roads and senderos in place. Quality properties of this caliber are hard to find in this area of South Texas and you would be hard pressed to find better native habitat anywhere in the state. This property is ready to be enjoyed.
Surface only sale, seller has no minerals to convey and there is no production on the property.