Directions to property: From the intersection of Hwy 58 & 60 in Fairview, Oklahoma (North stop light), go 1 mile north on Hwy 60. This property is located on the west side of the highway, watch for 48 sign.
This property is located outside of the City of Fairview city limits and does not have any city restrictions. Seller will build to suit or divide. The property has good highway 60 frontage and would be excellent location for commercial or residential. There are no utilities located on the property but electricity is along the highway.
Legal Description:A tract of land situated in the East 140.0 acres of the NE/4 of Section (16), Township (21) North, Range (12), W.I.M. Major County, Oklahoma, more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the Northeast Corner of Said Section (16), thence south (S00 1653W) along the east boundary of said NE/4, a distance of 2037.10 feet to the...
Commencing at the Northeast Corner of Said Section (16), thence south (S00 1653W) along the east boundary of said NE/4, a distance of 2037.10 feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing south (S00 1653 W) a distance of 601.00 feet to the southeast corner of said NE/4; thence west (N89 3836W), along the south boundary of said NE/4, a distance of 650.35 feet; thence north (N00 3025W) a distance of 600.25 feet; thence east (S89 4307E), a distance of 658.61 feet to the point of beginning, said tract containing 9.02 acres more or less, as per the recorded survey of record.
Possession:will be given after the harvest of any existing crop.
Zoning: Agricultural
Water: Rural water
Soil Types: McClain Silty Clay Loam, 0-1% slopes, class I; Port Silt Loam, 0-1% slopes, class II