This 87 acres is sure to please the new owners as much as it has the current owners. The current owners bought this farm for of chasing big Missouri Whitetails and have improved in many ways. Turning a garage into a hunting cabin they have been able to enjoy and create the experiences and memories we all long for.
Randy VanderVeen from Strategic Habitat was brought in to help design and improve the farm. Blind placement and food plot locations where all implemented. The farm is currently set up with 3 strategically placed Box Blinds that will stay on the farm and transfer to the new owners.
50.93 Acres where recently renewed into the CRP program at a rental rate of $162.77 an acre or $8,290 Annually. Along with the quality nesting, bedding, and cover this is a great source of income through the September 30, 2032 expiration date.
The owners also turned a nice garage building into a co...
The owners also turned a nice garage building into a cozy cabin enabling them to enjoy and create the experiences and memories we all long for. The cabin features 2 - bunk rooms, kitchen area, bath room, and storage area. Whether it the anticipation of arriving at camp with a mission on the mind, or the return from a long sit to the warmth,good food, a place to take care of your trophy, or just the stories this place will get it done.
For more information email, call or text Jeff Quinn 660-734-3925 for more information.