OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE. Own your Own Property for Under $100k!!! Located 4.5 Miles of Loop 250; ADI is here to fill a much needed void for Small Industrial Yards & HOME SITES in Permian Basin, yet versatile enough to combined yards to accommodate Much Lager Needs. Tracts Range from 1 acre at $35K, 2.5 ac to 4 ac able to expand 140 plus acres, $33K per acre, water in area around 20 gpm w/ Bonus to community access to CRMWD Water Line to be Held by Property Owners. A Masterplanned Industrial Park w/ Blacktop Road in Works, Lightened Restrictions: No RV Parks & No Mancamps. Mobile Homes OK.
CR 2300 & 349 have easements to 349 (No Idea on Timing) 1150 & Loop will become an overpass starting 2019.
Plat approved!! Owner financing available, 35% down.
See plat for available lots.
4.5 miles on CR 1150 north of loop 250