LOCATION: The property is located one mile west of Four Mile Road and a mile north of Delevan Road in Colusa, CA.
ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 011-230-019 (82.09 acres m/l). The property is currently being split off of a 120-acre parcel.
ACRES: 82.09 assessed acres, more or less to be split off from a larger 120-acre parcel.
WATER: The property is in the Glenn Colusa Irrigation District (G.C.I.D.)
SOIL: Majority Class 4, Willows Silty Clay. This soil's ability to hold water makes for an efficient farming operation.
COMMENTS: The G.C.I.D. is the gold standard of water districts in Northern California. The affordable and abundant water supply makes this area highly sought after for its high-yielding rice farms.