LEGENDARY SMITH RANCH 801+ ACS HAS BEEN IN SAME FAMILY FOR OVER 100 YEARS & RARELY DOES ONE RECEIVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE A PROPERTY SUCH AS THIS... $995 PER AC * Labor of Love Has Been Groomed & Nurtured to Highlight Its Unique Natural Features & To Emphasize Its Highest & Best Use * Combined They Truly Make Up A 1-Of-A-Kind Offering for The Discerning Buyer Searching for It All * Featuring 801 Pasture Acres, 1 Large Pond, 1 Water Well * Plenty of Year-Round Hunting-- Mule & White-Tail Deer, Quail, Turkey, Dove, Hogs * A Cattleman's Paradise with Cattle Pens with Water Well * Perimeter Completely Fenced & Cross Fenced * Land Mostly Rolling Hills &Deep Draws * Leased for Grazing * Ranch Is Turnkey & Polished * Includes Highly Productive Rangeland, Ample Water, Numerous Sporting Opportunities, Excellent Fencing & Roads, Improved Pastures, Cattle Infrastructure * You Will Not Find Ano...
LEGENDARY SMITH RANCH 801+ ACS HAS BEEN IN SAME FAMILY FOR OVER 100 YEARS & RARELY DOES ONE RECEIVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE A PROPERTY SUCH AS THIS... $995 PER AC * Labor of Love Has Been Groomed & Nurtured to Highlight Its Unique Natural Features & To Emphasize Its Highest & Best Use * Combined They Truly Make Up A 1-Of-A-Kind Offering for The Discerning Buyer Searching for It All * Featuring 801 Pasture Acres, 1 Large Pond, 1 Water Well * Plenty of Year-Round Hunting-- Mule & White-Tail Deer, Quail, Turkey, Dove, Hogs * A Cattleman's Paradise with Cattle Pens with Water Well * Perimeter Completely Fenced & Cross Fenced * Land Mostly Rolling Hills &Deep Draws * Leased for Grazing * Ranch Is Turnkey & Polished * Includes Highly Productive Rangeland, Ample Water, Numerous Sporting Opportunities, Excellent Fencing & Roads, Improved Pastures, Cattle Infrastructure * You Will Not Find Another Ranch Like This On The Open Market Within Hall County...
Northwest of Lakeview, TX. At intersection of CR 8 and CR D.