A very nice irrigated farm in northern York County. The farm offers productive Hastings silt loam soils and good access off a gravel road. Currently, the farm is being irrigated with the neighbor's irrigation well and pivot. There is an existing irrigation well on the property. This would be a great addition to any farming operation or investment portfolio. Subject to current lease and tenant's rights.
Legal Description - South 1/2 Northeast 1/4 Section 11, Township 12 North, Range 4 West
Irrigation Information - Located in the Upper Big Blue Natural Resource District and has certified irrigation rights for 79.45 acres.
Irrigation Equipment
Well G-025967 drilled in 1966, 1,300 gpm, 84' static level, 96' pumping level, 224' well depth
FSA Information
Total Cropland Acres: 79.65
Corn 79.65 Base Acres 156 PLC Yield