Area History: 200 years ago, Cooke County would have been separated visibly and culturally by wide open grass prairies in the west, to the heavily timbered, deep forests in the east. The line between eastern, agrarian Caddo tribes and the violent, nomadic Comanche's of the west was a stark boundary found here. Wars were waged along this line, in hopes of asserting claim to the boundless game, the deep canyons, high point camp sites and the opportunity found here. Incorporated in 1848, the county was named after a hero of the Texas Revolution, William McKinley Cooke, who fought at the Battle of San Jacinto and served as Chief Clerk of War for the Republic of Texas. Later, the Butterfield Overland Mail Route would cross this part of North Texas, carrying mail and wealthy passengers from St. Louis, Missouri and Memphis, Tennessee along some 2,800 miles to San Francisco. Today, the countrysi...
Area History: 200 years ago, Cooke County would have been separated visibly and culturally by wide open grass prairies in the west, to the heavily timbered, deep forests in the east. The line between eastern, agrarian Caddo tribes and the violent, nomadic Comanche's of the west was a stark boundary found here. Wars were waged along this line, in hopes of asserting claim to the boundless game, the deep canyons, high point camp sites and the opportunity found here. Incorporated in 1848, the county was named after a hero of the Texas Revolution, William McKinley Cooke, who fought at the Battle of San Jacinto and served as Chief Clerk of War for the Republic of Texas. Later, the Butterfield Overland Mail Route would cross this part of North Texas, carrying mail and wealthy passengers from St. Louis, Missouri and Memphis, Tennessee along some 2,800 miles to San Francisco. Today, the countryside still exudes the same wild nature that called to civilizations past; abounding with wildlife, home to undisturbed and mature tree canopies with vista views for miles. Rare as the opportunity is to lay claim to a part of this historically important, wild and natural place - we are honored to offer the 306 +/- acre, 7N Ranch for sale.
Property Overview: Deep canyons, heavy cover, exceptional views, excellent wildlife habitat and prime proximity all combine in the 306 +/- acre, 7N Ranch in Cooke County, TX. A short 20-minute drive from Interstate 35 in Gainesville, the property lies in a highly-sought after part of Cooke County. Found in the Walnut Bend corner of Cooke County, where deep ravines drain water to the prolific Red River, the 7N Ranch offers excellent recreational appeal. At the highest point on the ranch, a view over the Red River and into Oklahoma stretches for miles. Known for the trophy whitetail and numerous turkeys that populate this piece of North Texas, offerings in this area rarely come to the market. A 2,800 SF home sleeps 18 comfortably, while a shop, wellhouse, game cleaning station and bunkroom (sleeps 4) are a short distance away. Trails provide access throughout this end of the road refuge.
Location: Located a short 15-minute drive from Gainesville where food, gas, ice, entertainment and restaurants are all available. 7N Ranch is a 75-minute, 80-mile drive north from Dallas or Forth Worth, and only a short 20-minute drive to Thackerville, OK - home to the largest casino in the world, Winstar World Casino and Hotel. County Road 183 dead-ends at the entrance to the ranch, a steel gate with electronic access.
Terrain: The terrain is rolling to steep, with over 240' of elevation change found within the perimeter fencing. A long canyon on the western side of the ranch provides exceptional views into Oklahoma and the Red River Valley. The northern quarter of Cooke County drains into the prolific Red River, providing incredible canyons, deep draws and exceptional views. Typical of the county, the property is dominated by sandy loam soils.
Vegetation: Heavily timbered, the tree diversity on the ranch is impressive. Red oak, plum, redbud, blackjack oaks, post oaks, hackberry, elm, pecan, walnut, cedar and cottonwood are all found on the ranch. Typical of Cooke County and the greater Red River Valley, the vegetation found on the ranch is dominated by bluestem grasses.
Wildlife & Land Management: Largely untouched and unpressured, the 7N Ranch is well set up for access and hunting opportunities across the ranch. Northern Cooke County is known for its low-fence trophy class deer, and the 7N Ranch has been lightly, if at all hunted in recent years. Deer, hogs, and turkey use the ranch as a refuge. Several deer in the 170" class have been seen on the property and one was harvested by the neighbor to the north (pictured). Bobcats, coyotes, owls, dove, bats, bald eagles, woodpeckers, falcons and over 315 vertebrate species are native to this region of Cooke County and the greater Red River Valley. The diversity of habitat and variety of local species makes for a special and unique wildlife asset on the 7N Ranch.
Water: Surface water is provided by one small stock pond, with ample opportunities to develop more. The steep terrain of the canyon and draw systems on the ranch appear to be prime locations for the construction of several ponds or lakes.
Main House - The main home is a 2,800 +/- SF rock home (4 BR, 2.5 BA) that sleeps 18 people comfortably. In a park-like setting, the headquarters area utilizes covered porches and outdoor grilling stations to take advantage of the privacy found here. A custom treehouse for the kids is located a short distance away near the pond.
Bunk House/ Shop/ Garage - A short distance away, a bunkhouse (sleeps 4) and small shop/garage are used for extra sleeping arrangements as well as equipment, tool and feed storage.
Electric Entry Gate - Found at the end of CR 183, the entrance is well appointed but modest. A keypad and remote-control key system provide access via an electronic, swinging steel gate.
Historical Importance: The 7N Ranch is said to be home to a stretch of the Overland Butterfield Mail Route. A stagecoach service for mail and passengers, the Overland Mail Company owned and operated the service between 1858 to 1861. A bi-weekly trip was made from two eastern terminals of Memphis, Tennessee and St. Louis, some ~2,800 miles to San Francisco, California and back.
Easements: Two easement roads run across the ranch. One easement runs to north along the all-weather road. Another access easement runs through the property to the northeast boundary.
Minerals: No minerals are owned by the landowner or offered with the sale. There is no production on the property.
School District: 7N Ranch is found in Callisburg Independent School District.
Property Taxes: Property taxes were approximately $5,452.36 annually.
Utilities: Water is provided by a well on the property, drilled to approximately 220' deep into the Trinity Aquifer, a major aquifer. The well provides 25 +/- GPM. Electricity is provided by Cooke County Electric Cooperative Association.
Price: $1,850,000 ($6,045.75 per acre)
Blake Hortenstine, 214-616-1305 mobile
Chris Wengierski, 214-707-3474 mobile