Rare multi-family R2 zoning. Adjacent to the Village at Multnomah condos. Recorded easement via the condo access road all the way to the land. Size is 0.33 acre and dimensions are 266 ft wide by 50 feet deep. All utilities are available. Do you want to build duplexes, condos or apartments? Contact the City of Portland Planning Dept to discuss how many units might be allowed here.
Size: 0.33 acre
Dimensions: 266 ft wide by 50 feet deep
Zoning: R2 Residential 2000; multi-dwelling, allows duplexes, townhouses, rowhouses and garden apartments
Water: District water is available
Electricity: Available
Address: 7933 SW 40th Ave
Cross Street: SW Multnomah Blvd
Tax ID: R330066
Driving Directions: From I-5, exit SW Multnomah Blvd and drive west. Turn left on SW 40th Ave. Go a few feet and turn right in to The Village at Multnomah condos. Parcel is at the end on the right. Take the aerial map.