78.8 ac approved mitigation land in Richland Parish, LA Land for Sale
This is an excellent long-term investment opportunity. This mitigation bank package consists of approx. 78.8 ac of approved acres. See Mitigation Data Sheet for total credits available.
In a nearby approved bank, the current owner has already sold approx. 169 credits at an average of approx. $2200/credit. This is roughly $9350/ac for mitigation acres. Keep in mind, the land still belongs to the owner even when credits are sold. It will continue to grow and increase in overall wildlife habitat. Minerals can be leased on the tract as on any other land.
Please see the Mitigation Bank Data Sheet below and a Spring 2011 article on the Bee Bayou & Cypress Creek banks. (Note: Bee Bayou is an 296 ac approved and pending approval bank and is a separate listing).
This property cannot be divided or pulled out of the approved banks. ...
This property cannot be divided or pulled out of the approved banks. There is an on-going cash and maintenance obligation on mitigation banks. Please make serious inquires to our office for more detailed information.
Minerals: Negotiable
Legal: Situated in Section 17, T18N, R8E in Richland Parish, LA
Locations: Fortenberry Road
Asking Price: $286,000
Note: Seller will sell an ownership interest of 45% or 55% of the total mitigation package (this tract plus the 178 ac Bee Bayou tract) at $600,000 and $650,000, respectively. Minerals can be included, too.
Call 318.281.4900 or see RecLand for all our listings.