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Auction Information

01/01/0001, 12:00 AM

754 Acres in Ashville, AL

Shoal Creek Farm - 754 acres

* Date: December 19, 2012

* Time: 1:00 pm

* Location: The premises at 8617 Shoal Creek Rd/CR 22, Ashville, AL.

* Registration: Begins at 12:00 pm.

* Contact Person: Dewey Jacobs, 800-476-3939

A piece of the Smokey Mountains nestled in Shoal Creek Valley

* Abundant Wildlife of Deer and Turkey

* Thousands of feet on Beautiful Shoal Creek

* Miles of Interior Road Systems - ATV/Horse trails

* Natural mountain streams and waterfalls

* Huge Barn - 4 Lakes and a Pond

* Large Lakeside Cabin

* 60 70 acres of improved pasture land

* Mature Timber Hardwoods - Food Plots

* Large Rock Outcroppings that rival Horse Pens Forty

* Panoramic Mountain views

* Pavillion overlooking Shoal Creek and Waterwheel

* Old Grist Mill along the creek

* Adjoins 17,000 acres of Timber Company land

* Less than an hour from Birmingham

* Offered in Tracts, Combinati...

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From I-59 Take Ashville Exit (#166), take Hwy 231 South for 8.1 miles, turn left on CR 22/Shoal Creek Rd., go 8.5 miles to Property on right.

From I-20 Exit Hwy 411 North (#144 B), take Hwy 411 north to Hwy 231, take Hwy 231 South 1.3 miles, turn left on CR 22/Shoal Creek Rd., go 8.5 miles to Property on right.

From Gadsden From Hwy 77 & Hwy 411, take Hwy 411 South 6.7 miles, turn left on Greensport Rd and go 6.1 miles, turn left on CR 21 and go 1.8 miles, turn right on CR 22/Shoal Creek Rd. and go 1.3 miles to Property on left.

Contact Seller
Target Auction Company

Gadsden, AL

(938) 356-0240

Provided By

Target Auction Company, (938) 356-0240
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