Plum Run is an excellent recreational property located near the quite country community of Duck in Clay County WV.
Recent timber survey by a professional forester shows approximately 243,000 board feet of standing timber ready for harvest with an estimated value of $30,000.
The property is bordered by Plum Run, a bold running stream that provides habitat for the resident wildlife population of deer, wild turkey and squirrels.
Several great cabin sites and electric is nearby. A nice trail system is in place providing easy access.
The deed calls for 75 acres more or less. However, approximately 5 acres is being sold to Mr. Schoolcraft, the neighbor. This area will be survey out and put on record prior to the sale of the property.
2010 Property Taxes were $213. Deed recorded in DB 207, page 64. Buffalo District, Tax Map 8, parcels 15 and 16.1.
Richard Grist, Broker
Google Coordinates...
Google Coordinates: Latitude 38.5355N Longitude 080.9329W
Near the community of Duck, in Clay County WV. Please call the office for directions. We are happy to meet and show you this wonderful property. Ask for Richard 304.646.8837.