This hard-to-find acreage is close to many acres of Stephens Forest DNR land in Southern Iowa. The owner has run electric and water to the acreage. The little building the owner has stayed in has electric and a mini split for heat and air. The water is a hydrant on the property. The building overlooks the pond on the farm. The current structure would be a great hunting cabin or weekend getaway. Great places to build a permanent hunting cabin or dream home. Most of land around this property is timber. You would see many deer on this property without a food source and with one you might get the neighborhood giant buck coming to eat your food and drink out of your pond. The area has many acres of DRN ground on both sides of the road and down many of the roads in the area.
Many large Iowa Bucks have been taken out of this area. Many large owners own next to Stephens Forest. Gre...
Many large Iowa Bucks have been taken out of this area. Many large owners own next to Stephens Forest. Great opportunity to have a piece of heaven at a price that is affordable.