This timber recreational ranch is located approx. 35 miles north of Burns Oregon off of Hwy 395. The property borders the Malheur National Forest by 1/2 mile. The elevation ranges from a little over 5000’ to over 5600’ which in the winter months can accumulate a fare amount of snow for your winter recreational needs. The terrain consists of rolling hills and draws covered by sagebrush, Ponderosa Pine trees & Mahogany. The improvements include a 1 bd, 3/4 bath cabin with 40 KW diesel power plant, barn with lean-to hay storage, machine shed, travel trailer for guests, and misc. outbuildings for wood working & storage. The mountain property has a lot of wildlife from Rocky Mountain Elk, Mule Deer, Antelope, Black Bear, Cougar, Bob Cat & Blue Grouse. Property qualifies for two LOP tags.