LOCATION: From Russell Springs, KS go South on County Road 270 for 4.5 miles to County Road Kiowa. Go East on Kiowa 2 miles and you will be at the Northwest corner of the property.
LEGALS: Township 14 South, Range 34 West
Section 17: West
Section 20: North
ACREAGE: 568.10 +/- Acres of Farmland
68.31 +/- Acres of Grassland
CROPS: Seller will retain Landlords share of 236.78 acres of
growing corn.
POSSESION: At closing, subject to the remainder of the tenants year
to year crop share agreement.
ADDITIONAL This land is mainly class III soils with 1% - 3% slopes.
INFORMATION: This is very productive farmland in Logan County.
TAXES: $943.04
PRICE: $1,750,000.00