Hunt Road 625-Moore County, Texas
State: Texas
Region: Texas Panhandle
County: Moore
Property Type: Irrigated Farmland
Acres: 624.5 acres more or less
Price: $ 2,700.00 per acre.
Taxes: Approximately $3,214.41 annually
Location: West of Dumas, Texas
This choice irrigated farm (624.5 acres more or less) is located 5 miles west of Dumas, Texas on Hwy 87 and 3 miles north on Hunt Road to the southwest corner of the section. Hunt road is paved from Hwy 87 north to the center of the west side of section 326.
The property is improved with one mile Zimmatic sprinkler which is equipped with low drops spaced on 60 centers with 11.2X38 (tall) tires.
It is understood from the Tenant that the sprinkler is nozzled for 1200 GPM with a booster pump powered by a natural gas engine pressuring the sprinkler.
There are 4 irrigation wells on property with one well drilled new in 2007 with...
There are 4 irrigation wells on property with one well drilled new in 2007 with a depth of 761 ft +/-.
All wells are equipped with turbine pumps powered by natural gas fueled engines.
The power units on the turbine pumps and the booster pump belong to Tenant.
Seed milo (maize) is grown in the area along with corn, wheat and cotton. The property is located in an area with at least four grain elevators within 10 (ten) miles of the farm with a major feedyard within 5 (five) miles, other large feedyards in the area, a large dairy within 5 miles of the property and several other large dairies in the immediate area.