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60 Acres in Roscommon, MI - $90,000

This property is located in southern Roscommon County a quarter mile north of the Gladwin County line. Muma Creek crosses the property and has a nice beaver pond on it. The owner has done an excellent job of managing this property. A good trail system provides access to the numerous enclosed blinds that are strategically located throughout the property. Heavily worn deer trails with buck rubs and scraps are present around all of the well maintained food plots. This property supports an excellent deer herd.


From I75 take exit 202 to M33. Go north 3 miles to Greenwood Rd or F18. Go west 16 miles to Matthews Rd. Go south on Matthews Rd 5/8 of a mile property is on right.

Contact Seller
Wildlife Realty

Marne, MI

(616) 383-2942

Provided By

Wildlife Realty, (616) 383-2942
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