Build your dream home on this prime location in Kern County, California. This property is situated 205th Street West just 9 miles from Neenach, California where you can build and enjoy a private life of your own.
Neenach -- and a smattering of other forlorn towns hidden between Lancaster and the Grapevine -- will be the subject of a fierce dispute in the coming year over when enough is enough in Southern California. A lot is waiting for you here.
What are you waiting for? This property is for you. Call us now to learn more about the offer.
Cash Price: $19,900
Terms: $2,499 down and $349/month for 65 months
Parcel Number: 261-250-24
County: Kern
State: California
Parcel Size: 6.93 acres
Legal Description: SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 9, RANGE 15, QUARTER
City: Rosamond
Zip Code: 93560
GPS Center Coordinates: 34.831700, -118.492100
GPS Coordinates (4 Corners):
34.832948, -118.491720
34.832948, -118.491021
34.831101, -118.491039
34.831104, -118.493186
34.832119, -118.493186
34.832123, -118.491743
Elevation: 2810 ft
Access to Property (Dirt or Paved): Dirt Road
Zoning: Platted Lands, Residential Suburban Combining, Mobilehome Combining
Terrain: Flat
Time limit: None
Tax Amount: $73.21
HOA: None
Water: Would need to drill a water well.
Sewer: Would need to install a septic.
Power: Alternative System
Doc Fee: $250.00