Spring Valley Ranch & Cattle ~ 6,360+/- Acre Sandhills Ranch In Rock County, Nebraska
Description: Located 26 miles South of Bassett, Nebraska, then 2 miles west of Highway 183. This exceptional working Nebraska ranch features great accessibility, plentiful sub-irrigated hay meadows and highly productive pivots with additional certified irrigated rights. Consisting of 6,360 deeded acres and 320 leased acres of land, this property can also include approximately 1,200 head registered Black Angus cattle and John Deere ranch equipment, which may be purchased separately. Enjoy peaceful country living in the modern two-story home with wrap around porch and full basement. An additional ranch style home with a full basement, two machine sheds and working pens also located on the ranch. This unique property has an abundance of mature windbreaks and buried pipeline throughout. Call Wolf, Inc. Auc...
Description: Located 26 miles South of Bassett, Nebraska, then 2 miles west of Highway 183. This exceptional working Nebraska ranch features great accessibility, plentiful sub-irrigated hay meadows and highly productive pivots with additional certified irrigated rights. Consisting of 6,360 deeded acres and 320 leased acres of land, this property can also include approximately 1,200 head registered Black Angus cattle and John Deere ranch equipment, which may be purchased separately. Enjoy peaceful country living in the modern two-story home with wrap around porch and full basement. An additional ranch style home with a full basement, two machine sheds and working pens also located on the ranch. This unique property has an abundance of mature windbreaks and buried pipeline throughout. Call Wolf, Inc. Auction & Real Estate at 308-728-3101 for more information and a private showing.
Price: $10,995,000
Land Use: Owner represented as 320 acres of leased wet hay meadows. 1,000 acres of wet hay meadows. 400 acres of second table hay meadows. 293 acres of certified irrigated acres. 4,667 acres of sand hills pasture. 120,000' of pipeline. 6 submersible wells. 6,360.19 total tax assessed acres all in Rock County, Nebraska.
School Land Lease Information: E2 of 36-26-20, Rock County, Nebraska. The current year school land lease amount is $18,479.50 which is subject to change from year to year through December 31, 2026 with an improvement amount of $500.00.
2021 RE Taxes: $52,223.62
Well Information: Nebraska Department of Natural Resources indicates Well #G-049161 was drilled 3-19-1976, 250' depth with 50' static level, 78' pumping level, pumping 900 gpm. Well #G-131766 was drilled 1-20-1976, 250' depth with 50' static level, 78' pumping level, pumping 900 gpm. Well #G-145309 was drilled 6-15-2007, 315' depth with 64' static level, 88' pumping level, pumping 950 gpm. Well #G-163708 was drilled 3-15-2012, 280' depth with 71' static level, 96' pumping level, pumping 900 gpm.
Pricing: Land & Buildings: $10,995,000, Cattle: $1,750,000, Equipment: $450,000, Personal Property: $100,000, Turnkey: $13,295,000.