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59.69 Acres in Hamilton, TX - $210,000

59.69 acres North of Hamilton, TX

59.69 acres 8 miles north of Hamilton, TX. The property is mostly open field that has been farmed as a hay field but has been laid out for the couple of years. The property has scattered tree cover along the west boundary which provide cover for the wildlife. The property is access by a 30 ft. easement that is 365 ft. long. The property is approx. 2 hours from Ft. Worth and would make a great weekend get-away place.


From Hamilton go north on Hwy 281 8.5 miles then turn left on CR 110 and go 2 miles then turn left on CR 111 and go .3 miles, easement road will be on your right.


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Contact Seller
Burks Real Estate

Evant, TX

(254) 865-3601