Tract 1 -380.80 +/- Acres (Per Assessor)
Offered at $2,900,000
Nice combination farm consisting of center pivot with corner arm irrigated ground, dryland cropland, grassland for livestock, and a building site with an older house and multiple outbuildings. The farm is highly productive, located in a great area, and near numerous grain elevators and ethanol plants. If you are in the market for a productive cropland farm, with the ability for livestock production, this farm is for you.
Irrigated Acres: 193 +/-
Dryland Acres: 37.65 +/-
Grassland Acres: 129.15 +/-
Grass & Trees: 10.75 +/-
Farmsite & House: 3.07 +/-
Roads: 7.18 +/-
Real Estate Taxes - $ 17,489.40
Legal Descriptions
Part of the South 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 7, Township 17 North, Range 6 West
Southwest 1/4 of Section 7, Township 17 North, Range 6 West
Southeast 1/4 of Section 7, Township 17 North, Range 6 West
Irrigation Information - Located in the Lower Loup Natural Resource District and has certified irrigation rights for 193 acres
Irrigation Equipment
Valley 7-tower center pivot with a corner arm set up for 600 GPM
Well G-035469 drilled in July 2012, 350 gpm, 15' static level, 102' pumping level, 132' well depth
Well G-031738 drilled in April 1969, 850 gpm, 90' static level, 200' pumping level, 242' well depth
Well G-097415 (Livestock) drilled in May 1998, 25 gpm, 30' static level, 60' pumping level, 93' well depth
FSA Information
Total Cropland Acres: 320.06
Corn - 258.7 Base Acres - 161 PLC Yield
Total Base Acres - 258.7
Included in the Sale
Storage shed
Cattle yards
Fences in good condition
2,100 sq ft home: 5 bedroom, 1 bath
Driving Directions - From the south edge of Belgrade, travel south on North 216 Ave for 1 mile. Take the curve back east approximately 1 mile. Follow the curve traveling south. The property is located on the east side of the road.
Share crop lease on the property for the 2024 growing season
Tract 2 - 155 +/- Acres
Offered at $1,700,000
If you are in the market for an excellent tract of land, come take a look at this one! This highly productive property has a center pivot and is located near numerous grain elevators and ethanol plants.
Irrigated Acres: 135 +/-
Dryland Acres: 16.53 +/-
Other: 3.47 +/-
Real Estate Taxes - $17,489.40
Legal Description - Southeast 1/4 Section 17, Township 17 North, Range 6 West
Irrigation Information - Located in the Tri-Basin Natural Resource District and has certified irrigation rights for 136.692 acres
Irrigation Equipment
7-tower Zimmatic center pivot set up for 650 GPM
Isuzu power unit with generator
Fuel tank
Well G-054471 drilled in January 1977, 670 gpm, 192 static level, 267 pumping level, 385 well depth
FSA Information
Total Cropland Acres: 150.76
Corn 122.1 Base Acres 161 PLC Yield
Total Base Acres 122.1
Driving Directions - From Fullerton, travel north on Highway 14 to N. 490 Street. Turn west for 2 miles. The property is located to the northwest.
Share crop lease on the farm for 2024 season