The Mag Road North Tract (Listing #5036) and Mag Road South Tract (Listing #5040) are both located in the Vaden community about seven and one-half miles west of Sparkman, Arkansas. Access is frontage on Mag Road and terrain is gently rolling. Pine site index averages eighty-four (84) feet on predominantly fine sandy loam soils.
Excellent timber investment, and rural homesites. Utilities are available.
Mag Road North: Described as That Part of E1/2 of NE1/4 of SE1/4 lying North of Mag Road, Section 36, Township 9 South, Range 19 West, containing 18 GIS acres, more or less, Clark County, Arkansas (see maps by clicking "Brochure & Maps" button). 18 GIS Acres - $37,800.00. Timber consists of 2019 well-stocked pine plantation.
Mag Road South: Described as Part of S1/2 of SE1/4 lying South and West of Mag Road, Section 36, Township 9 South, Range 19 West, containing 59 GIS acres, more or...
Mag Road South: Described as Part of S1/2 of SE1/4 lying South and West of Mag Road, Section 36, Township 9 South, Range 19 West, containing 59 GIS acres, more or less, Clark County, Arkansas (see maps by clicking "Brochure & Maps" button). 59 GIS Acres - $112,100.00. Timber consists of 2019 well-stocked pine plantation with a few small stands of pine pulpwood.
Offers may be submitted for either or both tracts.
Please see Method of Sale and Conditions of Sale by clicking "Brochure & Maps" button.
Excellent Timber Investment
Rural Homesites
Hunting / Recreation
Utilities Available