The Tull 250 Tract (Listing #4772) is offered for sale for $499,000.00.
Kingwood Forestry Services, Inc. has been authorized to manage the sale of the Tull 250 Tract described as NE, Section 33; Part of S of SE, Section 28; SW of NW, Section 34; all located in Township 3 South, Range 15 West, containing a total of 250 Acres, more or less, Grant County, Arkansas (see attached maps). Property offers timber investment and recreation.
The tract is located one (1) mile southwest of Tull; access is gated woods road from paved Hwy 291/West Cherry Street. Timber consists of mature bottomland hardwood, premerchantable hardwood, and well-stocked mature pine stand. Property has one-half-mile frontage on Saline River. Site index for loblolly pine averages ninety-five (95) feet and red oak averages ninety (90) feet (base age 50) on silt loam soils.
Based on inventory of merchantable timber on 1...
Based on inventory of merchantable timber on 116 acres (one plot / acre with five cruise lines running east-west) conducted by Kingwood Forestry in March, 2020, timber volume estimates are as follows :
Pine Sawtimber: 2,301 Tons
Pine Chip n' Saw: 159 Tons
Pine Pulpwood: 246 Tons
Red Oak Sawtimber: 324,823 Board Feet
White Oak Sawtimber: 52,595 Board Feet
Gum & Misc. Sawtimber: 149,241 Board Feet
Hardwood Pulpwood: 1,863 Tons
Due to variations in cruising methods, utilization standards, and scaling practices, tree counts and volume estimates cannot be guaranteed. Volume report in Tons and Board Feet with tree counts by species, diameter, and height are available by clicking "Brochure & Maps" button.