The Bateman Road Tract (Listing #4761) is located about four (4) miles northwest of Gurdon Exit (#63) of Interstate 30, and twelve (12) miles southwest of Arkadelphia, and described as Part of E of W of NE, Part of SE of NE, Section 22, Township 8 South, Range 21 West, containing a total of 44.75 acres, more or less, Clark County, Arkansas (see attached maps). Access is frontage on paved Bateman Road. Electricity is available at road right-of-way. Timber consists of investment-grade 20-year-old pine planation ready for thinning. Site index for loblolly pine (base age 50) averages eighty-six (86) feet on silty clay loam and fine sandy loam soils.
Based on Kingwoods March, 2020 inventory (three cruise lines running north-south), estimated tree counts and timber volumes are as follows:
Pine Sawtimber: 868 Tons
Pine CNS: 1,743 Tons
Pine Pulpwood: 3,349 Tons
Due to variations in cruising ...
Due to variations in cruising methods, utilization standards, and scaling practices, tree counts and timber volume estimates cannot be guaranteed. Volume reports in Tons and Board Feet, with tree counts by species, diameter, and height, are available on our website.