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44.75 Acres in Arkadelphia, AR - $107,400

4761 - Bateman

The Bateman Road Tract (Listing #4761) is located about four (4) miles northwest of Gurdon Exit (#63) of Interstate 30, and twelve (12) miles southwest of Arkadelphia, and described as Part of E of W of NE, Part of SE of NE, Section 22, Township 8 South, Range 21 West, containing a total of 44.75 acres, more or less, Clark County, Arkansas (see attached maps). Access is frontage on paved Bateman Road. Electricity is available at road right-of-way. Timber consists of investment-grade 20-year-old pine planation ready for thinning. Site index for loblolly pine (base age 50) averages eighty-six (86) feet on silty clay loam and fine sandy loam soils.

Based on Kingwoods March, 2020 inventory (three cruise lines running north-south), estimated tree counts and timber volumes are as follows:

Pine Sawtimber: 868 Tons

Pine CNS: 1,743 Tons

Pine Pulpwood: 3,349 Tons

Due to variations in cruising ...

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Contact Seller
Kingwood Forestry Services, Inc.

Monticello, AR

(870) 276-2265