The Jacks Creek Tract (Listing #4695) tract is located ten (10) miles east of Hampton and is described as the SE of NE, NE of SE, Section 32; NW of SW, Section 33; all located in Township 13 South, Range 12 West, containing a total of 120 acres, more or less, Calhoun County, Arkansas (see attached maps).
Access is via gated gravel road (former county road) and internal woods roads. Timber consists of mature native hardwood and pine. Loblolly pine site index averages eighty-five (85) feet (base age 50 years) on silt loam and fine sandy loam soils.
Kingwood Forestry conducted an inventory of merchantable timber (one point / acre with eight cruise lines running north-south) in March, 2019. Based on the inventory, estimated tree counts and timber volumes are as follows:
Oak Sawtimber: 1,928 Tons
Gum & Misc. Sawtimber: 569 Tons
Hardwood Pulpwood: 1,823 Tons
Pine Sawtimber: 678 Tons
Pine C...
Pine Chip n' Saw: 61 Tons
Pine Pulpwood: 289 Tons
Due to variations in cruising methods, utilization standards and scaling practices, tree counts and volume estimates cannot be guaranteed. Volume reports in Tons and Board Feet are included. Additional timber volume reports (tree counts by species, diameter, and height) are available on our website.
At the stoplight in Hampton, drive east on Highway 278, through Harrell, for 7.3 miles. Turn left (north) on paved Calhoun 38 Road and drive 2.1 miles. Turn right (east) on gravel road marked with "Land For Sale" arrow sign, and drive 1/4 mile to gate and northwest corner of property, marked with pink flagging and Land For Sale sign.