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Size: 74.1 Acres

74.1 Acres in Wickes, AR - $89,500

4683 - Bogg Springs

The Bogg Springs Tract (Listing #4683) is located on Arkansas / Oklahoma border about eight (8) miles west of Wickes and three (3) miles west of Bogg Springs and is further described as Fractional S of NW, Section 18, Township 5 South, Range 32 West, containing 74.1 acres, more or less, Polk County, Arkansas (see attached maps). Access is from the south and east via gated Weyco road at end of County Road 14. Timber consists of native upland hardwood and shortleaf pine. The west boundary borders Oklahoma state line. The property offers excellent hunting / recreational opportunities.

Kingwood performed a variable radius line point cruise (one point per two acres) of merchantable timber with two cruise lines running east to west. Based on the inventory conducted in January, 2016, estimated tree counts and volumes are as follows:

Pine Sawtimber: 177 Tons

Pine Chip n' Saw: 41 Tons

Pine Pulp...

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