The Posey Place, 37-Acre, and Sec. 24 tracts will be offered by lump sum sealed bid on Friday, June 22, 2018, at 10:00 a.m. Bids may be submitted for any or all tracts.
The Posey Place Tract (Listing #4628) is located one-half () mile northwest of Whelen Springs. The tract is described as W of NW, Section 27, Township 10 South, Range 20 West, containing 80 acres, more or less, Clark County, Arkansas. Timber primarily consists of approximately 68 acres of pine sawtimber and regeneration plus 12 acres of a 2013 pine plantation north of Highway 51. Access is frontage on State Highway 51. Terrain is gently rolling. Kingwood Forestry conducted a 10% cruise on 68 acres of merchantable timber (one point or plot / acre, lines running north and south) in April 2018. Estimated tree counts and timber volumes are as follows:
Pine Sawtimber: 2,286 Trees; 329,463 BF; 2,586 Tons
Pine CNS: 839 Trees; 3...
Pine CNS: 839 Trees; 32,781 BF; 392 Tons
Oak Sawtimber: 131 Trees; 12,490 BF; 113 Tons
Misc. Sawtimber: 30 Trees; 2,678 BF; 23 Tons
Pine Pulpwood: 5,493 Trees; 1,283 Tons
Hardwood Pulpwood: 1,411 Trees; 365 Tons
The 37-Acre Tract (Listing #4629) is located one (1) mile west of Whelen Springs. The tract is described as the SE of SE, less and except 3 acres in southeast corner, Section 28, Township 10 South, Range 20 West, containing 37 acres, more or less, Clark County, Arkansas. Timber consists of native saw-timber, pulpwood and regeneration. Access is via woods road from AR Highway 51 through adjoining landowner property. Terrain is flat to gently rolling. Kingwood Forestry conducted a 10% cruise on 37 acres of merchantable timber (one point or plot / acre, lines running north and south) in April 2018. Estimated tree counts and timber volumes are as follows:
Pine Sawtimber: 532 Trees; 109,785 BF; 788 Tons
Oak Sawtimber: 89 Trees; 12,921 BF; 106 Tons
Misc. Sawtimber: 49 Trees; 7,864 BF; 60 Tons
Pine Pulpwood: 2,255 Trees; 454 Tons
Hardwood Pulpwood: 645 Trees; 207 Tons
The Section 24 Tract (Listing #4627) is located one and one-half (1) miles northeast of Whelen Springs. The tract is described as NW of SW, Section 24, Township 10 South, Range 20 West, containing 40 acres, more or less, Clark County, Arkansas. Timber consists of good quality sawtimber with best hardwoods around Locket Creek. Access is via woods roads from Kansas Road. Terrain is flat to gently rolling. Kingwood Forestry conducted a 10% cruise on 40 acres of merchantable timber (one point or plot / acre, lines running north and south) in April 2018. Estimated tree counts and timber volumes are as follows:
Pine Sawtimber: 2,500 Trees; 334,277 BF; 2,653 Tons
Pine CNS: 721 Trees; 32,016 BF; 375 Tons
Oak Sawtimber: 16 Trees; 1,676 BF; 14 Tons
Misc. Sawtimber: 14 Trees; 2,599 BF; 19 Tons
Pine Pulpwood: 1,094 Trees; 370 Tons
Hardwood Pulpwood: 930 Trees; 292 Tons
*Due to variations in cruising methods, utilization standards, and scaling practices, tree counts and volume estimates cannot be guaranteed. Volume reports in Tons and Board Feet (tree counts by species, diameter, height) are available on our website.