Newer water well and storage container on 9+ acres! Surveyed and fence posts are installed so boundaries are clear. Electricity is also available. APN 0532-102-55, 45444 Toy Truck Trail, is 4.77 acres. APN 0532-102-56, 45484 Toy Truck Trail, is 4.34 acres. Together they are 9.11 acres and offered both combined at this one low price. Zoning is Rural Living 5 so one house or manufactured home is allowed on each parcel. Flat terrain close to paved roads and easy to build!
Price: $59,200
Terms: Cash only, seller will not carry the loan
Size: 9.11 acres, both combined
Water: Well installed
Electricity: Available
Zoning: RL-5 Rural Living, one single-family house or manufactured home allowed on each parcel
Addresses: 45444 and 45484 Toy Truck Trail
Cross Street: Collado Rd
Parcel Number (APNs): 053210255 and 053210256
Driving Directions: From Barstow, take I-40 to Newberry Springs. ...
Driving Directions: From Barstow, take I-40 to Newberry Springs. Turn north on Mountain View Rd. Turn right on Silver Valley Rd. Turn left on Collado Rd. Turn right on Toy Truck Trail. Parcels are on the left. Take the aerial map.