452 ac excellent deer hunting in north Madison Parish, LA
This is an excellent recreational tract in a great deer hunting area. This tract has had minimal hunting pressure the past 10 years. One person has hunted it sparingly the last 7 seasons. The deer herd is tremendous, but with the lack of hunting in the past, a total of 3 nice bucks and approx. 12 does were harvested the past 7 yearswith 6 of those does taken in the 2015-16 season. Several other quality bucks were seen via trailcam pictures.
The tract is enrolled in WRP with 422.8 ac in the easement and approx. 30 acres in farm ground that is not in cultivation. The perimeter roads are well established and in great shape. Tree species planted in the WRP includes cypress, nuttall oak, willow oak, water oak, and green ash. There is a large gas pipeline that essentially serves as a 20-acre food plot. There are 4 other approx. 2 acre f...
The tract is enrolled in WRP with 422.8 ac in the easement and approx. 30 acres in farm ground that is not in cultivation. The perimeter roads are well established and in great shape. Tree species planted in the WRP includes cypress, nuttall oak, willow oak, water oak, and green ash. There is a large gas pipeline that essentially serves as a 20-acre food plot. There are 4 other approx. 2 acre food plots scattered throughout property.
There are 3 shallow water areas on the north half that may provide duck hunting. Farmland joins this tract on both the west and east sides. Farmland and timber adjoins the northern boundary, while more WRP is on the south. The adjoining and nearby habitat make for excellent wildlife backup. The neighbors to the south manage for older age class bucks as well. The LA Black Bear is frequently sighted on this tract and the adjoining properties, and with the de-listing of the animal on the Threatened & Endangered Species List, bear hunting may be an additional opportunity in the future.
4 box stands and 1 shed are on the tract. There is a campsite location on the NE corner of property with electricity directly across the road.
This is a rare tract that is a cant-miss when it comes to deer hunting. Madison Parish is the cream of the crop in LA for trophy bucks and this property is no exception.
Legal Description: Situated in the E1/2 of the E1/2 of Section 33, and the W1/2 of Section 34, and the W1/2 of the SW1/4 of Section 27, all in T18N, R10E of Madison Parish, Louisiana.
Location/Directions: From I-20, get off on Waverly Exit and go north 1 mile to Hwy 80. Take a left and then after 100 yards, take a right onto Hwy 577. Go approximately 3.5 miles and turn left onto Terrell Osbourne Rd. Go mile and the property will begin on right. You can also access the northern part of property via Tyson Road off of Hwy 577.
Asking Price: $1,130,000 - Seller will consider owner-finance proposals.
Call Corey May, Land Agent, @ 318.245.0499 or see the RecLand site for all our listings.