This is a nice flat farm with drip tape used to irrigate the farm. It would be a great piece of land for a first-time land owner. It is located at the intersection of Highway 30 and Highway 92, so it would be an excellent location for a commercial business.
Legal Description:
Part of Southeast 1/4 Section 10, Township 14 North, Range 5 West South of Rail Road
Well Information:
Located in the Central Platte Natural Resource District with 42.68 certified irrigated acres.
Well #G132704
GPM: 500
Well Depth: 32'
Drilled: 3/29/2004
Static Level: 10'
Pumping Level: 30'
Well #G-032617
GPM: 650
Well Depth: 33'
Drilled: 2/9/1970
Static Level: 4'
Pumping Level: 33'
FSA Information:
Total Cropland Acres: 44.84
Corn - 44.8 Base Acres: 181 PLC Yield
Total Base Acres: 44.8