Secluded timber and fallow field that can be turned into an awesome late season food plot. Plant and they will come as this is not a heavy agriculture neighborhood. Located at the end of an abandoned town road, you will easily be able to access this property from a few angles depending on the wind. Come winter do a slow stalk on any of the many logging trails or sit warm and snug with your rifle overlooking a field that can be planted in beans, corn or brassicas for late season attraction. Just a few miles south of Chetek. Give me a call for your private tour today.
Property Features:
- Outstanding white oak and hard maple with a potential cut return of $30,000
- MFL closed program for reduced taxes
- Enclosed wood heated shooting house overlooking fallow field
- Potential for planting food plots for late season attraction
- Secluded property with excellent browse next to an over mature forest...
- Secluded property with excellent browse next to an over mature forest with little understory -this is the local deer food source
- Current yearly taxes 2015 are $427.20