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40.5 Acres in Woodville, CA - $1,200,000

40.5 Ac. Citrus, Porterville

Lemons, Pummelos, Navels, Limes and Open Ground for sale Location: Located on Success Valley Dr., 1 mile east of Hwy. 190, near Lake Success east of Porterville, CA.

Plantings: Property is planted to a diverse mix of citrus varieties, including Seedless Lemons, Pummelos, Navels, Limes and Open Ground.

Water: Water to the property is provided by South Tule Independent Ditch Company. 45 shares of Company stock are included. Water is distributed via a pressurized filter system with fan jet emitters. There is also one (1) on-site ag well.

Legal: Tulare County APNs 284-760-023, 284-760-024, and 284-400-017.

Improvements: One storage shop building.

Remarks: Rare opportunity to acquire a citrus ranch in this location. Known to be a warm area for citrus, this property has great long term potential. Very reliable and plentiful water from the Ditch Company provide security for the futur...

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Contact Seller
Schuil Ag Real Estate

Visalia, CA

(559) 560-5115