This recreational ranch is ready to come out and enjoy, with appealing improvements throughout: 2 mobile homes, large RV shed with cabin, workshop, RV hookups, water well and 3 wildlife water troughs. With great access, plenty of privacy, CRP grasses and improved pastures, this ranch is well planned and laid out to maintain and enhance the local wildlife population!
Whether as your primary residence or weekend retreat, you'll fall in love with everything this ranch has to offer.
Situated in the rolling hills of southern Fisher County, this property has a diverse terrain, with mesquite flats, gentle draws, grassy hills and thick native pastures.
The acreage consists of a nice mix of CRP grass with annual income, active cultivation and mesquite pastures, providing a beneficial mix of open grazing and sheltered cover for the enjoyment of our area's native wildlife population.
The CRP ac...
The CRP acreage includes a total of 214 acres in 3 separate fields, providing a nice variety of terrain, with pastures separating the tracts. The CRP contract runs through 2020 and provides annual income of $7,265 per year.
The active cultivation provides additional income from USDA-FSA Direct & Countercyclical Program payments totaling $1,223 per year on 52.7 cropland acres. The cotton base is 49.4 acres with a 445 pound yield.
The mesquite pastures provide natural cover and convenient breaks between the fields, providing ample bedding locations for the wildlife. The seasonal creeks and draws crossing the property run through the pastures, providing additional natural diversity in the terrain.
A wildfire in February 2011 crossed through the acreage and burned a majority of the land. Within six months, regrowth in the CRP grasses and in the mesquite pastures are well evident, and the wildlife remain abundant in the area.
The property benefits from 3 wildlife water stations scattered across the ranch. These concrete troughs are served by underground piping from the rural cooperative water supply. This setup ensures consistent water for the area's wildlife.
The interior roads provide access to all parts of the property, so you're never too far from your favorite hunting blind!
Hunting blinds and feeders may remain, if desired, so simply step right in and enjoy the hunt!
Additional improvements on the ranch include 2 mobile homes, a 40' x 60' RV shed with an integrated sea container and upstairs cabin, 3 RV hookups, 30' x 30' workshop and a water well. Electricity is onsite and the homes are also served by the rural cooperative water supply. Not only is it ready to hunt, but it's also ready for an extended stay on the ranch! Bring the whole gang - there's room for everyone!
Please note the western edge of the property is a former railroad right-of-way that was purchased after the railroad abandoned operations in the area. A total of 10.59 acres sits in this acreage. The remaining acreage enjoys traditional ownership and history.
The wildlife frequenting the immediate area include: white-tail deer, bob-white quail, mourning dove, feral hogs, Rio Grande turkey, varmints and critters galore!
This is the perfect recreational retreat - fully equipped for your comfort, includes current income, highly improved and ready to enjoy!
Call for appointment.