Food, cover, water, and big bucks are here in abundance. This bottomland property is completely surrounded by large ag fields, has an abundance of water, and thick cover to house a healthy population of whitetails. Ignore the dates on the trail cam photos, these are all from the 2015 and 2016 season including the pics of the 160”+ bruiser rubbing the telephone pole! The owners have only lightly hunted during the rifle season since 2005 and have practiced QDM during that time. 3-5 acres of the 392 are directly across from Highway 69 and would make an ideal building site with nearby water and electric. Currently, the owners use this area to park their camper. There is a small septic system in place for a camper. An oil producer is ready to reopen the inactive oil wells on the property but the sellers have not signed an agreement in case the new owners are not interested in the oil producti...
Food, cover, water, and big bucks are here in abundance. This bottomland property is completely surrounded by large ag fields, has an abundance of water, and thick cover to house a healthy population of whitetails. Ignore the dates on the trail cam photos, these are all from the 2015 and 2016 season including the pics of the 160”+ bruiser rubbing the telephone pole! The owners have only lightly hunted during the rifle season since 2005 and have practiced QDM during that time. 3-5 acres of the 392 are directly across from Highway 69 and would make an ideal building site with nearby water and electric. Currently, the owners use this area to park their camper. There is a small septic system in place for a camper. An oil producer is ready to reopen the inactive oil wells on the property but the sellers have not signed an agreement in case the new owners are not interested in the oil production. The producer expects in excess of 4 barrels daily and will pay the owners 1/8 of production. Excellent deer, turkey, and duck hunting with the potential for income all for under $1150 per acre. Call today to schedule a showing.
Property Features:
- Investment potential from multiple inactive oil wells
- Property is surrounded by large corn and soybean fields providing excellent food sources
- Ideal building site with nearby utilities. Current owners have the area set up for a camper
- Multiple food plot areas serve as excellent staging plots to help keep bucks on the property during daytime before heading out to the big ag fields at night
- Water sources include a year-round creek and ponds created during the construction of the old inactive rail road track that cuts across the north side of the property
- Excellent road system throughout the property accessible by truck
- Several elevated stands and large capacity spin feeders located near food plot areas and natural funnel areas making the property hunting ready
- Access the property from the south from Highway 69 or the north from Renfrow Hill Road via a deeded easement
- Excellent wood duck hunting
- The majority of this property is lowland and susceptible to flooding. The deer don't mind, it is always loaded with sign and the owner says it has always been dry during deer season