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Size: 355 Acres
Type: Farms, Ranches

Auction Information

01/01/0001, 12:00 AM

355 Acres in Leon, KS

355.2+- acre Butler County, Kansas Farm with everything you could ask for! Nestled in the Flint Hills of Kansas, this property includes a Watershed Lake, Nicholas Creek, 2 ponds, large elevation changes and rolling Flint Hills terrain, 120+- acres of creek bottom tillable ground currently planted to soybeans, beautiful Flint Hills pasture, and heavy timber. This farm is one of the nicest agriculture and recreation combination properties you will find. Nicholas Creek has good clear water, gravel bars, and several fishing holes with Bass, Perch, & Channel Catfish. The watershed lake on the property sits on the very south end of the property tucked at the bottom of two large hills. The Bass fishing is excellent, along with everything else you would expect to catch in a Flint Hills watershed lake. Ducks and Geese frequent the live water in the creek, the watershed, and the tillable agricultu...

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From Leon, Kansas east on HWY 400 10 miles, then head north on Gray Rd which turns into Flinthills Rd 7 miles, turn west onto 55th for 1 mile to the property. From Rosalia, Kansas south on Flinthills Rd 4.5 miles, turn west onto 55th for 1 mile to the property.


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Contact Seller
Sundgren Realty, Inc.

El Dorado, KS

(316) 669-5199

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Sundgren Realty, Inc., (316) 669-5199
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