Legal Description:The SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Sec. 26 T-1-N R-6-E Wayne Co. less 6 Acres deeded out
Location: Southwest of Cisne approximately 3 miles at the corner of county road 1050E and 1650N
Lot Size: 34 Acres
Price:$124,000 ($3650 per Acre)
Tillable:25.3 acres currently in CRP
Farm Program & Bases:25.3 acres in CRP at $115/ac annual payments of $2,910. Contract expires 2026.
Minerals:seller retains none, but subject to prior reservations
Possession:at closing
Soil Type:Passport, Ava, Hickory-Passport, Bluford
OTHER:Seller is willing to split Acreage Northeast 10 Acres priced at $40,000 ($4,000 per Acre)