LOCATION: From Indiana State Route 37, 13 miles north of Tell City and 9.5 miles south of exit 79 of I-64, take Old State Hwy 37 then Leopold Road east through Leopold, IN. The farm is 1 mile east of Leopold on Leopold Mt. Pleasant Road. From Indiana State Route 66, take Leopold Mt. Pleasant Road 3.2 miles west to the property. Watch for signs!
Since we have discontinued our dairy operations we have authorized Kurtz Auction & Realty Company to sell the following with no minimum bid:
(Four photos of machinery either horizontal or vertical)
2006 New Holland T5115A tractor, 1110 hours, front wheel assist, cab, air, with New Holland 56 LB Loader with 96” bucket; New Holland L170 skid loader with pallet forks, bale spear and manure forks; New Holland BR740A baler; Ford 7600 tractor with ...
2006 New Holland T5115A tractor, 1110 hours, front wheel assist, cab, air, with New Holland 56 LB Loader with 96” bucket; New Holland L170 skid loader with pallet forks, bale spear and manure forks; New Holland BR740A baler; Ford 7600 tractor with 7610 motor; Ford 9600; Ford Jubilee; Ford 4000 gas powered.
1979 John Deere 6620 4-wheel drive combine with #444 corn head; 1979 John Deere 7000 four row plateless planter; 1979 Ford L900 truck, 13 speed Detroit transmission with 3000 gal. stainless steel manure tank with pump; 1969 C-60 with 16’ dump bed; mid ‘90s (Toyota) Hi-Jet car with no title; New Holland 790 silage chopper; New Holland 258 rake with dolly wheel; 3 bottom Ford 101 plow; Kelly 8 shank chisel plow; John Deere 210 disc; 8’ Krause wheel disc; Top Air 1000 gallon tank with hydraulic sprayer; 2600 gallon vacuum tank; 56’ Hutchinson 8” auger; New Holland 255 grinder/mixer; 3 point fertilizer sprayer; New Holland 145 manure sprayer; Richardson dump wagon; bale spear; lagoon pump; Generac generator with 80 kw surge and 40 kw continuous; cattle chute; hay rings; supplement bins; Rubber-Maid water troughs; gates; fuel tanks; several cars for salvage; lumber; fans; silage, straw, hay and misc. items.
Information – Contact Clay Taylor, Auctioneer, License #AU10800100
Terms: 10% down the day of sale on the real estate with the balance due within 30 days. Seller will pay for fall taxes for 2009. No buyer’s premium! Cash or check the day of sale for machinery and personal property.
LOCATION: From Indiana State Route 37, 13 miles north of Tell City and 9.5 miles south of exit 79 of I-64, take Old State Hwy 37 then Leopold Road east through Leopold, IN. The farm is 1 mile east of Leopold on Leopold Mt. Pleasant Road. From Indiana State Route 66, take Leopold Mt. Pleasant Road 3.2 miles west to the property. Watch for signs!
Since we have discontinued our dairy operations we have authorized Kurtz Auction & Realty Company to sell the following with no minimum bid:
Large plat
Tract #1- 8+/- acres featuring a dairy operation with 60’ x 144’ open bay building, barn and grain bins.
Tract #2- 49+/- acres of wooded land with a large amount of road frontage on the north side of Leopold Mt. Pleasant Road.
Tract #3- 23+/- acres featuring pasture land with frontage on both Leopold Mt. Pleasant Road and West Leopold Circle Road.
Tract #4- 19+/- acres of mainly pastureland with frontage on the south of Leopold Mt. Pleasant Road.
Tract #5- 8+/- acres with a building site on West Leopold Circle Road.
Tract #6- 57+/- acres featuring a barn with mix of pasture, crop and a small amount of wooded land with frontage on West Leopold Circle Road.
Tract #7- 41+/- acres with 29.67 acres of cropland/pasture accessed by a 30’ easement from Leopold Mt. Pleasant Road.
Tract #8- 43+/- acres north of Leopold Mt. Pleasant Road and west of Lavender Road with apprx. 7.97 acres of crop land with the remainder being wooded land, accessed by a 30’ easement from Leopold Mt. Pleasant Road.
Tract #9- 85+/- acres north of Leopold Mt. Pleasant Road and west of Lavender Road with apprx. 18.63 acres of crop land with the remainder being wooded land, accessed by a 30’ easement from Leopold Mt. Pleasant Road.
Note: This property adjoins the Hoosier National Forest, excellent habitat for deer, turkey and other wild game. Yet it has cropland, young timber, county water and good home sites. Inspect it now and make your financial plans. Remember, there’s no minimum bid and the real estate will be auctioned early in the auction.
All property will sale in accordance to preliminary plat. All acreages are approximate. Any survey costs required will be announced on day of auction and will be the responsibility of the purchaser, payable at closing.
Terms: 10% down the day of sale on the real estate with the balance due within 30 days. Seller will pay for fall taxes for 2009. No buyer’s premium! Immediate hunting rights.
Kurtz Auction & Realty Company 1-800-264-1204 1-270-926-8553
From Indiana State Route 37, 13 miles north of Tell City and 9.5 miles south of exit 79 of I-64, take Old State Hwy 37 then Leopold Road east through Leopold, IN. The farm is 1 mile east of Leopold on Leopold Mt. Pleasant Road. From Indiana State Route 66, take Leopold Mt. Pleasant Road 3.2 miles west to the property. Watch for signs!