Agent: Deborah Manning
Price: $185,000 SALE PENDING
Address: Hwy 486
City: Sandy Hook
State: KY
Zip: 41171
Neighborhood: rural
Possible Partial Owner Financing with sizeable down payment, ask agent for details!!!
Full Description: JUST REDUCED! Attn: Hunters 333+/-acres in Elliott Co. KY with lots of wildlife...priced to sell at: $185,000 This one has it all, bottomland, hills with trails throughout, large metal storage bldg., old house, pond and lots of wildlife to hunt...portion of property has been strip mined. Property fronts both sides of Hwy 486 and is gated! If privacy is what you are looking for, then look no farther...this one truly does have it all wrapped up in one...a steal of a deal $185,000