Legal Description: The East-half (E/2) of Section 81, Block 21, C.S.S. Survey, Hartley County, Texas, containing 318 acres, more or less.
Improvements: Two irrigation wells are located on this property. These wells have not been used in several years; however, the owner is in the process of having these wells bailed-out and test pumped.
Taxes: Approximately $462.02
Price: $1,250 per acre
Government Program: The majority of this farm is currently enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program. There are 297.4 acres enrolled at $36.50 per acre with the last payment being in September of 2007.
Remarks: The Boren Farm is located in a good water area. According to the North Plains Underground Water District, the saturated thickness under the property ranges from approximately 125 feet to 225 feet. The entire farm is currently in a good stand of mixed grasses. The principal soi...
Remarks: The Boren Farm is located in a good water area. According to the North Plains Underground Water District, the saturated thickness under the property ranges from approximately 125 feet to 225 feet. The entire farm is currently in a good stand of mixed grasses. The principal soil types found include Dallam fine sandy loam, 0-3% slopes and Dallam loamy fine sand, 0-3% slopes. For additional information, please contact Rusty Lawson.