This newly listed property is 30.12 acres with electricity available for $115,962.00.
The seller also offers a finance option.
It is situated in Coke County, Texas, at the end of Green Mountain Road, west of Robert Lee, TX, just off Hwy. 158.
This property is approximately 49 minutes away from San Angelo, 1 hour and 27 minutes from Abilene, 1 hour and 30 minutes from Midland, 2 hours and 49 minutes from Lubbock, and 3 hours and 54 minutes from Dallas.
The ranch terrain is mostly flat with a large hill on the north and west sides, fenced on three sides, and has a pond.
Wildlife on the property includes whitetail deer, Red Deer, feral hogs, turkey, quail, and dove.
The well water on the ranch is shallow, around 100-200 feet deep, and electricity is available.
The seller offers financing with a down payment of $5,798 and a monthly payment of $1,040.00 or a down payment of $11,5...
The seller offers financing with a down payment of $5,798 and a monthly payment of $1,040.00 or a down payment of $11,596 for a monthly payment of $908.
Military discounts are available, and interested buyers should contact Jesse Trevino for more information. This property is in high demand and is expected to sell quickly, as the last one sold within a week.
C. 830.890.1179
West of Robert Lee, Tx off Hwy. 158