Auction Information

01/01/0001, 12:00 AM

274 Acres in Osgood, IN

274 +/- Acres Offered in 3 Tracts - Real Estate Auction

Wed, Nov 14, 6:00 PM

Osgood, IN - Ripley Co. - Jackson Twp; 12 Miles South of Greensburg, IN

Owner: Harold J. Reisman Irrevocable Trust, Michael Reisman, Trustee

199 +/- Acres of Tillable Cropland Nice Woodland Predominately Cobbsfork and Rossmoyne Soils 3,930 +/- SF Ranch Style Home Great Recreational Land with Pond & Woods 26,000 Bu. Grain Storage & Morton Building Distance to Property/Miles: Cincinnati - 65 Miles and Indianapolis - 65 Miles


Sunday, October 28 from 1-3 PM

Tuesday, October 30 from 3-5 PM

Thursday, November 8 from 3-5 PM

Meet an Agent on Tract 2


All Acreages Listed are Approximate. Tracts Ranging from 2.4 to 136 Acres!

The REISMAN FARM is situated on the RIPLEY / DECATUR County-line. Whether you are a crop farmer, investor, nature enthusiast or home buye...

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7372 Millhousen Rd., OSGOOD, IN 47037. From Greensburg travel south on IN SR 421, 12 miles to Napoleon. At the north edge of town turn right (west) onto Wilson St. (this becomes Millhousen Rd.) travel 4 miles to the Tracts 1-2. From Tract 1-2 continue northwest on Millhousen Rd 1 mile to Tract 3.


Knights St. John Hall, 312 S. Wilder St., Greensburg, IN. Southeast edge of Greensburg on 421 turn north on Wilder St. auction site is on the right.

Contact Seller
Schrader Real Estate and Auction Company, Inc

Columbia City, IN

(800) 451-2709